Helpful Links

Not finding what you need? Check out these other resources.

Town of Hinesburg

The official website for the Town of Hinesburg.

Shelburne Dispatch

The Shelburne Communications Center (SCC) answers 9-1-1 calls for 18 communities and dispatches for 23 agencies from 22 communities.

Vermont Department of Public Safety: Division of Fire Safety

Responsibilities include Code Enforcement, Fire Service Training, Public Education, Hazardous Materials Response, Fire Investigation and Urban Search and Rescue.

Vermont EMS District 3

VT EMS District 3 covers all of Chittenden County, Grand Isle County, and part of Addison County.

Vermont Office of Emergency Medical Services

The Vermont Office of Emergency Medical Services works on behalf of Vermonters to ensure that the EMS system is adequately equipped and prepared to provide the best out-of-hospital emergency care possible.

VT Alert

Sign up to receive emergency alerts and important community news such as storm warnings, amber alerts, etc.

Richmond Rescue

Richmond Rescue is the contracted primary ambulance service for the Towns of Hinesburg and St George.